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Glucose Tolerance Factor


Special formulated GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) is made by blending trivalent chromium, whey protein concentrated and New Zealand best grade milk powder to mimic the bioactivity of colostrums GTF plus chromium

GTF is non-toxic, contains no drugs, hormones, or toxins.  It is rich in biologically active GTF, lactoferrin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins

GT&F® effectively promotes functioning of insulin, and provides body with GTF to maintain homeostasis of blood sugar.  It helps patients of type 2 diabetes and helps to promote healthy glucose and lipid metabolism



SkinCell Re-Enrgizing Therapy (SRT) Concept
   It is a beauty therapy to cater for both internal and external well-being.
   The idea is to get into the roots of the problems to be able to provide a lasting beauty solutions.
   All our skin problems are primary caused by unhealthy cells
Benefits of GTF SRT
   Faster results & long lasting effects.
   Enhances the effect of skin care products & facial treatments.
   Most importantly, a healthier body.








Diabetes Mellitus is caused by high blood glucose.
High blood glucose condition will lead to a fragile blood vessel, thus developing complication of blood circulatory and nervous
system. Type 2 diabetes has been thought to be caused by insufficient insulin secretion or ineffective utilization of insulin in
human body. However, recent medical research discovered that the lacking of GTF is the main cause of type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance is characterized mainly by the weak responsiveness of tissues to insulin. It is a known risk factor leading to the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. (Chen et al., 2009)

When blood glucose level increases, insulin level will also increase. In the presence of suitable amount of chromium in usable form, chromium will potentiating the action of insulin. Therefore, less insulin is required and circulating insulin declines with a corresponding stabilization of glucose concentration level. (Anderson et al., 1991)